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geographical distribution 地理分布。

A distinct feature of transnational ethnic groups is its geographical distribution of “ one ethnic group , in multi - country “ 跨國族群(跨界族群)的基本特征就是“一個族群、多國分布” 。

geographical features

The differences of two developmental models are both given rise to the factors of the unique historical tradition , geographical distribution , cultural psychology and so on , and infiltrated different partialities for policy of local government 兩種發展模式的差異既是由于兩地獨特的歷史傳統、地理環境及文化心理等因素造成的,也滲透著當地政府對當地經濟發展的不同政策偏好。

Before conducting regular sampling surveys , it is necessary to find out about the basic statistics units and their geographical distribution and to establish a scientific sampling framework in accordance with an approved plan for sampling surveys 進行經常性抽樣調查,應當在調查前查明基本統計單位及其分布情況,按照經批準的抽樣調查方案,建立科學的抽樣框。

The geographical distribution of foreign investment , industry conditions , overall features , investment , investment sources and other factors described in the macro level fdi characteristics , they are barriers for technological spillover 外資的地區分布、行業狀態、總量特點、投資方式、投資來源等因素為技術外溢效應的發揮限制了屏障。

Article 7 with regard to the exploration and development of mineral resources , the state applies the principles of unified planning , rational geographical distribution , multi - purpose exploration , rational mining and multi - purpose utilization 第七條國家對礦產資源的勘查、開發實行統一規劃、合理布局、綜合勘查、合理開采和綜合利用的方針。

Geographical distribution of fubo temples in guangxi in the qing dynasty and the related legends have shown a collective memory of the historical facts about ma yuan ' s pacifying giao chi in the eastern han times by the folk society 摘要清代廣西伏波廟的地理分布及其相關傳說,表明了民間社會對東漢馬援征交趾史實的一種集體記憶。

Research region of the thesis south to the cuoqin basin , north to the kunlun mountain , the geographical distribution scope is n30 - 36 , e80 - 95 and the studying area is 3 . 0 x 105 km2 論文研究區域南以拉薩地體北部的措勤盆地為界,北以昆侖山為界的廣大地區,地理分布范圍為n30 - 36 , e80 - 95 ,整個研究區的面積為3 . 0 10 ~ 5km ~ 2 。

In this paper , the geographical distribution and quantitative of 37 species of the urodeles are introduced . and then , the research direction and current studies of this field are analysed 摘要本文從地理分布特征和數量方面介紹了我國現存的37種(亞種)有尾類動物,并分析了目前我國有尾類的研究方向和研究現狀。

Of the estimated approximate number of upstairs cafes currently operating in hong kong and , among them , the approximate number of unlicensed ones as well as their geographical distribution ; and (一)估計現時全港約有多少間樓上咖啡店,其中約有多少間是無牌經營,以及這些無牌咖啡店的地區分布情況;及

It indicated that qiupu river mandarinfishes have a more closer relationship with changjiang mandarinfishes than wanfuhu ones , which corresponding to the clustering analysis and their geographical distribution . 3 說明秋浦河鱖魚與長江鱖魚的親緣關系較萬佛湖鱖魚更近,這與三者的地理分布是相符的。

In the security council , the proportion of the developing countries is too small , and the geographical distribution is not equitable . many countries put forward all kinds of reform proposals 在安理會中,發展中國家所占的比例過小,地域分配也不合理,許多國家提出各種改革建議。

We will strengthen land planning , improve policies for regional development and adjust the geographical distribution of economic operations in accordance with the requirement to form development priority zones 加強國土規劃,按照形成主體功能區的要求,完善區域政策,調整經濟布局。

Original copyright holder who places the program under this license may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries , so that distribution is permitted only in or among 到限止,將此程序置于許可證約束下的原始版權擁有者可以增加限止發布地區的

For each species , a short description is provided ; also included are geographical distribution , ecology , phenology , citation of exsiccatae , and brief notification 文中扼要描述每種植物之重要特徵及給予生態、地理分布、花期、參考之標本等資料,最后附與各種處理之簡短說明。

We should properly guide the orientation of foreign investment and optimize the utilization of foreign funds in terms of their structure and geographical distribution 合理引導外資投向,優化利用外資的結構和地區布局,進一步改善外商投資環境,有步驟地放寬外商投資領域。

Study on the geographical distribution , seasonal changes and interdecadal changes of the first - landfall and last - landfall tropical cyclones ( tcs ) in china were done 摘要對1951 - 2005年登陸中國的初、終熱帶氣旋兔的季節變化、地理分布及年代際變化等作了初步分析。

Article 4 with regard to the development of the coal resources , the state shall apply the principle of unified planning , rational geographical distribution and comprehensive utilization 第四條國家對煤炭開發實行統一規劃、合理布局、綜合利用的方針。

32 cm . shows the geographical distribution of landforms , rivers , mountain ranges , oceans , plateaus , hills , basins , deserts and lakes 本地球儀是立體地形地球儀,直徑32厘米。顯示地理、地形、河流、山脈、海洋、高原、丘陵、盆地、沙漠、湖泊的分布情況。

The geographical distribution of windshear and turbulence is displayed on graphical displays for air traffic control supervisors and aviation forecasters 風切變和湍流的位置分布則以圖像形式提供予空中交通管制督導及航空預報員參考。